Thursday, May 24, 2007

My conclution

Over all, this is a fun thing to do. When I'm working on this blog, I'm enjoying. by having this, i could learn many things. One thing that i found out was a tree could help in preventing landslide. I could help the environment that got this disaster such as people at Mount Pancar.
The action that my group going to make was to go to gunung pancar again and plant some trees there. My group were asking the class members to help us to! Jasper, thanks a lot for giving us the compos that you've made.
For the first inquiry, is could learn that we could focus on our environment other that focusing on the "global" area. For the second inquiry, over all i learn that there are many ways to prevent landslide. Such as planting trees and putting rocks to hold the land from sliding down.

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