Monday, May 14, 2007

More Detail

My group and I had made and started to finished most of the things.
My group and I made 2 landslide so one is the one which have trees which is trying to hold the land from falling down. So we pure some water on to each of this landslide and see which one will be stronger. This is the thing that we’re going to do on the experiment.
My group made a pantomime which we’ll show it later on the day. This is the thing that we’re going to do for the performance. Inside the pantomime, we also put some things that will show how does the people in Gunung Pancar feel right now. We also show what are the things that people in Gunung Pancar did to prevent landslide.
For the model, my group were making and finishing different types of landslide. On the model we put only 2 main things which is the one that look like at Gunung Pancar and what do they do to prevent it and the other 2 was the rock slide and also the landslide under water.

This are the things that my group do now.

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